If you have discussed your disability information with an AccessAbility advisor and provided health professional documentation, you are usually not required to discuss the details with other university staff. However, there are situations where some level of disclosure can help staff to have a clearer understanding of your circumstances and how they can assist you.
If you do disclose to staff, it may not be necessary to divulge all the details if the information is sensitive; however it is more important for the staff member to be aware of the impact of your disability on your studies.
For example you could say: “I have a medical condition that makes me very tired in the afternoons. Because of this, I would like to attend the tutorial that is held in the morning.â€
You could also ask the staff member to keep the information confidential, or specify who you are willing to have your situation discussed with.
There are some situations where it is important that staff are aware of your disability or health condition if it could impact on the health and safety of yourself or others. An AccessAbility advisor can advise you on how best to manage this information.