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Vice Chancellor's List

The Vice-Chancellor’s List (VC List) recognises Curtin undergraduate students, including Honours students, who excel academically.

Students who complete each semester in the top one per cent of undergraduate students across all disciplines, campuses, years and modes of study, are awarded membership to the VC List.

A student may be recognised as a member to the VC List more than once if they continue to achieve high academic results.

VC’s List privileges

Members of the VC List will receive a letter of congratulations from the Vice-Chancellor and their academic record will be annotated in recognition of this significant achievement.

If you are invited to become a member of the VC List, you will be recognised at a ceremony where you will be awarded with a certificate and a lapel badge.

VC List members will also have access to study facilities in the Postgraduates and VC’s Study Room.

VC’s List Reception

To acknowledge the 2022 students who have achieved membership to the VC List, an invitation to attend the VC List Reception will be via OCC and email in February – March 2023. Members have the opportunity to meet and network with other members of the VC List at this prestigious event.

If you are a 2022 recipient, please note you will be invited to attend the VC List Ceremony Tuesday 4 April 2023 at the Curtin Stadium, Building 111.

VC List badge

The VC List lapel badge was designed in 1991 by Mrs Bronwyn Goss, a tutor in the School of Visual Arts. The design is based on the pine cone which symbolises the Curtin campus and its continuity from the Western Australian Institute of Technology. It symbolises the environment of Curtin and in particular, the peace and reflectiveness that should imbue our learning. It also symbolises the regeneration and renewal of life that the acquisition of true learning always brings.