Policies and procedures
The Early Childhood Centre follows the policies and procedures of Curtin University, however there are many other policies and procedures that are relevant to the centre that are continually developed and reviewed.
The Early Childhood Centre’s Policy and Procedure Manual is available for all parents and prospective parents to read. Physical copies are located at Reception and the children’s rooms.
These polices reflect the centre’s philosophy, principles, as well as the values and procedural requirements of the centre. Parents’ input is always gained before any compulsory policy is changed from a draft format. The following are a couple of statements from the centre’s philosophy that guides the policy development:
- We recognise the need for young children to have a comfortable and secure transition from home life to group care by offering a warm and friendly environment.
- A good working relationship between families and staff is created to provide a strong link between home and care that is reflected in the centre’s programs.