Steps to accept your offer and enrol
- Activate your OASIS account.
- The Get Started tab in OASIS will then guide you through the following enrolment steps:
- Accept your offer
- Meet your conditions if they are applicable
- Complete your electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) to apply for Government assistance
- Indicate your major and enrol in units
- Set your timetable and register for classes and tutorials
- Complete other tasks such as confirm your details and apply for your student ID card
- Get ready for O-Week.
- Confirm your enrolment is correct and meets any specific requirements.
Building your study plan in eStudent
If you are a new student, you may need to create your study plan in eStudent before you can enrol.
Watch our video to guide you through the steps.
Find definitions for common eStudent terms [.pdf 134kB].
For further help
Curtin Connect staff can help you with any questions you may have or view our frequently asked questions.
Read the right and responsibilities page to ensure you are aware of your rights and responsibilities as an enrolled student.
Related links
Curtin OUA
Curtin OUA students manage your enrolments through your OUA student hub.