To update your legal name with Curtin (this includes your first name, last name or other names) you will need to provide:
▪ one primary form of identification; and
▪ one secondary form of identification.
When submitting your documents, ensure they meet Curtin’s documentation requirements.
Primary documents:
▪ Current driver licence issued by an Australian state or territory
▪ Proof of age card or Photo Card issued by an Australian state or territory
▪ Foreign residency identity card
▪ Current driver licence issued by a foreign government's driving/traffic/motor vehicle licensing authority
▪ Australian passport
▪ Citizenship certificate
▪ Birth certificate (or extract)
• Registered deed poll.
Secondary documents:
▪ Medicare card
▪ Centrelink card
▪ Department of Veterans' Affairs card
▪ Foreign passport
▪ National health card
▪ Social security card
▪ Veterans' card
▪ National insurance card
• Change of name certificate
• Marriage certificate (Only accepted to support name change after getting married).
To update your preferred name you are not required to provide any documentation. To update, you can submit a request to Curtin Connect via our online form.
To change your date of birth you will need to provide one form of evidence from the list below:
▪ Official Birth Certificate (or Extract)
▪ Passport.